Hi there. How can we help you?

Hi there. How can we help you?

You can email and call us. We are there for you 24/7, every day

Frequently asked questions

When will my order be delivered?

We offer worldwide shipping. Please allow 1-3 days for payment processing and an additional 1-2 days for delivery. You can verify your delivery date at checkout. Following your order, you will receive an email with additional details regarding the delivery process. If you require expedited shipping, please get in touch with our support team.

Can I Return my product?

Orders can be returned or exchanged within 14 days of receiving the parcel, providing they are in original resalable condition. Please check our return policy

What can I do if my item (or part of it) is damaged?

If you notice any damage to your item (or part of it), please make sure to carefully inspect your orders before collecting them from the carrier. If you do find any damage, please contact us immediately.

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